
Openoffice base tutorial youtube
Openoffice base tutorial youtube

openoffice base tutorial youtube

This means also you can have more then one mainform in your form document.Īn important difference between a mainform and a subform is that a subform has always master and slave fields on the property tabpage. A main form is all what is the first level subforms are below. You can not choose for a subform or main form. When you want make a new form select the place where you want have it. The form navigator acts like the explorer in windows. You can switch on the wizard for listboxes, comboboxes gridcontrols and some more. Is easy in combination with the form navigator for adding control to your form. The form navigator is an other tool than the navigator In the form navigator you see all elements of your form. On one of the tool bars there is a buttom with this you can make it visible. Howto open the form navigator and make it visible Some tools you have to understand and can be activate with button on these toolbars. You can only make or change forms when you can handle this. When you not have study these controls don't start with base. The toolbar More Controls is (de)-activate with a button in the toolbar where the button for the listbox also is. Most toolbars you can activate with menu -> view -> toolbars. I think it is important to read your help file there it has a lot of detailed information. When you want select a single control then press the control key on your keyboard and select with the mouse a control with left clicking.įor more information see your help file. When you have made a form by the wizard then most control are grouped. When you have open the form in this way you can easy switch between edit mode and not edit mode.

openoffice base tutorial youtube

You can open it in edit mode by right clicking and then choose for edit. When you open a form as document then it is not open in edit mode but only input mode for data. You have also to understand that the word "form" does have two meanings: Understanding the idea of forms is realy important when you want work with OOo. I will try to explain the idea of forms in. 2) Using the tablecontrol / grid control.

Openoffice base tutorial youtube